Pesées : Dogo Canario - Mâle
Dernières pesées de Dogo Canario mâle
A 2 an(s), 6 mois et 16 jour(s), Fedor, Dogo Canario mâle , pesait 66 kg.
Vito corleone
A 0 an(s), 3 mois et 9 jour(s), Vito corleone, Dogo Canario mâle , pesait 15.1 kg.
Vito corleone
A 0 an(s), 2 mois et 17 jour(s), Vito corleone, Dogo Canario mâle , pesait 9.5 kg.
A 0 an(s), 10 mois et 7 jour(s), Bow, Dogo Canario mâle , pesait 53.3 kg.
A 3 an(s), 8 mois et 16 jour(s), Rex, Dogo Canario mâle , pesait 58 kg.
Zeus, unfortunately, passed away at 14th of May, 2023. He was only 3 years old, 3 months old and 4 days. He was fighting with seizures since he was 6 or 7 months old. With him, I had some of the most joyful days of my life. He helped me become more human. He helped me dealing with difficulties in my life and the sport I did (swimming till December 2021, finswimming since January 2022). He helped me dealing with rejections from girls of my age. He helped me getting better student in high school (now I am on the last class of it). When he died, a part of myself died too. I am not the same since then. He often comes in my dreams and, when I wake up, I find some of his hair on my pyjamas. I'm writing this on 14th of January, 2024. I can't take him out of my mind. I can't go on a day without crying for him. I just hope he's in better place. I will not shutdown his profile. Thanks everyone for seeing his profile or giving me advice.
Race :
Dogo Canario
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Date de naissance :
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